Rosenthal & Co., P.C.


Tip of the Month for December 1999

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IRS Announces Credit Card Payment Options

Individuals wanting an automatic filing extension or who are making estimated tax payments will be able to make those payments by credit card. Individuals will be able to use a pay-by-phone system to charge tax payments to American Express, Discover, or Mastercard accounts for (1) the balance owed on a 1999 return, (2) a projected balance of 1999 taxes due on a request for an automatic extention of time to file, or (3) an estimated tax payment for tax year 2000. The phone system will open 1/14/2000 while the estimated tax payment option will become available 3/3/2000. The IRS also explains the e-file and payment combinations that will be available to individuals.

These articles are intended to provide general resources for the tax and accounting needs of small businesses and individuals.
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